Monday 23 May 2016

(42) Sentence Starters for the Langauge Analysis Unit

Sometimes it can be difficult to find a place to start when writing an essay.

Here are some ways to begin and phrase sentences when stating a supporting argument the author uses to defend their POV on the issue:

·         The writer goes on to assert that…

·         The author opens by arguing that…

·         In a … tone, the writer declares that…

·         The writer argues that…

·         The author makes the statement that...

·         The writer argues that… which influences the reader to…

·         The author makes the suggestion that…

·         The author infers that…

Here are some ways to begin and phrase sentences when analysing how language has been used to position the reader…

·         The use of… positions the reader to share the writer’s viewpoint by…

·         [author] uses the emotive term… to describe… this could encourage readers to…

·         [author] opens by employing a [PLT] by making the suggestion that…

·         By following this [PLT1] with a [PLT2] the author is able to…

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