Monday 23 May 2016

(31) Sample Introduction #2: (High) with annotations

Sample introduction (High) on the 'Policy Shames Us All' article (Nguyen)
The issue of whether or not asylum seekers should be permitted to settle in Australia has recently been discussed in the media. In order to address a changing of the Federal asylum seeker policy and the death of large numbers of asylum seekers at sea Giselle Nguyen’s letter to the editorfrom the Herald Sun argues that the Australian government and society needs to do more to protect asylum seekers fleeing from persecution in their homelands. In order to combat the oppositions assertion that asylum seekers pose a security risk to Australia Nguyen employs an impassioned and at times embattled to draw sympathy within the primary readership of former asylum seekers, families and recent migrantsAccompanying Nguyen’s article is the photo of a young asylum seeker behind a wire fence. By drawing the association between the notion of imprisonment and the current asylum seeker policy the image is able to contend that the current policy is unjust and is further persecuting an innocent peopleThe image draws further on the sympathetic tone of Nguyen’s article to further attack the injustice exposed by the article.

Text Details
Tone and Effect
Introduction of Image (Description, contentiontone) 

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