Sunday 22 May 2016

(13) Article Analysis Basics

When Analysing an article within a language analysis you are looking to identify and describe...

What: What is being argued? (Issue, Context, Arguments, Contention)
How: How it is being argued? (PLTs, Tone, Language)
Why: Why is it being argued or presented in this way (The intended effect on the reader)

In a Language Analysis you need to address each of these elements. You must identify the WHAT and the HOW and analyse WHY it is being argued in this way.

Relation to the LANGUAGE ANALYSIS ESSAY structure.

INTRODUCTION: Establish your understanding of the article

I: Context and Issue(What)
T: Text details (What)
A: Audience (What)
C: Contention (What)
T: Tone (What) and its effect on the intended reader (Why)

BODY PARAGRAPHS: Identify an argument presented and analyse how and why the author's present the argument.

BP1: How the author presents their first argument.

(AS1) Identify the primary article's first argument: Refer to the author, relate to the issue.(What)

Identify how the author opens their piece (How) and analyse why the author presents the piece in this way. (Why) (analyzing an opening is just one way of doing this, you could pick any PLT)

Identify a persuasive technique the author uses (How) to present their first argument and analyse why it is done in this way. (Why)

Compare/contrast an argument from secondary article.

Identify an example of persuasive language (How) and analyse why it is done in this way. (Why) 

Compare/contrast how language/arguments are presented in relation to the (AS1) 

BP2: How the author presents their second argument.

Identify the primary articles second argument: Refer to the author, relate to the issue.(What)

Identify a persuasive technique the author uses (How) the present their second argument and analyse why it is done in this way. (Why)

Compare/contrast an argument from a secondary article.

Identify an example of persuasive language (How) and analyse why it is done in this way. (Why) 

Compare/contrast how language/arguments are presented in relation to the (AS1) 

BP3: How the author presents their third argument.

Identify the primary article's third argument: Refer to the author, relate to the issue.(What)

Identify a persuasive technique the author uses (HOW) to present their third argument and analyse why it is done in this way. (WHY)

Compare/contrast an argument from a secondary article.

Identify an example of persuasive language (How) and analyse why it is done in this way. (Why) 

Compare/contrast how language/arguments are presented in relation to the (AS1) 


Restate the author's contention, tone and how the reader is left feeling.

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