Sunday 22 May 2016

(15) Analysing Images

We have learnt how to introduce images but it is also vital important that we explore how to analyse an image.

We analyse an image in much the same way as we would analyse language or a PLT. You should start by asking yourself 'Why was this image included with the article? What angle is it taking on the issue?' 'What is it specifically trying to influence your thoughts on? (Think asylum seekers 'the people' not the 'issue of asylum seekers)'

with that in mind we are essentially asking ourselves...

How has the image been constructed to maximise its emotional impact?

Sample #1

The author will use certain techniques to evoke an emotional response. This could be the subject of the image. How the subject is portrayed. How the subjects or sitting. Colour, shadow, symbol.

Below is an image of Bali9 smuggler Andrew Chan and Andrew Sukamaran. However in an attempt to evoke an emotional response the author has employed an image of the men as children. This attempts to portray the innocence of the men through associating them with their childhood selves. Furthermore they are placed in school uniforms this could cause parents to reflect on their own children and the emotional response that would come. The fact that they are wearing traditional Australian uniforms is also important because it highlights the larrikin Australianness in their past. (an appeal to nationalism)

Sample #2

This image relates to the issue of how whether or not Indigenous Australians should be given greater support by the Australian government. The editor would use this image to draw focus on the plight of Aboriginal children. By placing two naked children the reader is encouraged to see the vulnerability of the children and the aboriginal community as a whole. The fact they are naked emphasizes their humanity and humanism and could draw sympathy for the articles contention. The fact they have been placed with trash to their left and a road to the right and behind shows the dilapidation and work that is required to assist the aboriginal people. While the road could be symbolic of progress and a road to globalization and interconnectedness

Expressing our Analysis

The analysis of an image occurs in the same manner to language or a persuasive technique. You need to identify and describe the technique or element employed, describe how it has been used and how it would impact the reader in relation to the specific argument.

Sample Analysis

The author argues that the vulnerability of the Aboriginal community points to the intervention of the Australian Government. The accompanying image employs the image of two aboriginal children to emphasize what is at stake. The use of the children encourages readers to see Aboriginal children and the community as vulnerable and innocent. Parents could be encouraged to reflect on their own children and the freedoms and rights they assume in the same country as the kids in the photo.

Learning Activity

Analyse the following images in relation to the respective issues. You may use the analysis scaffolds or your own intuition. 

Issue one: Due to an increase in teen alcoholism the issue of whether or not binge drinking is a problem in society has been discussed lately.

Issue two: Due to the possibility of a sex-offenders register being established the issue of whether or not sex-offenders should be placed on a publically accessible register has been discussed recently.

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